
Chen Sharon and Rousseau, Sofie . 2024. A Machine Learning Approach To Identifying Non-Parental Caregivers' Risk For Harsh Caregiving Towards Infants In Daycare Centers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 67, Pp. 128–138.
S Perlman, Ruff, S , Tischler, T , Rousseau, S , and Ben Ami, N . 2023. Oc02. 02: Prelabour Sonographic Biofeedback By A Physical Therapist For Coached Maternal Pushing And Pelvic Floor Training: A Randomised Control Trial. Ultrasound In Obstetrics & Gynecology, 62, Pp. 4–4.
Atara Menashe-Grinberg, Rousseau, Sofie , and Atzaba-Poria, Naama . 2023. What Works For Whom? Moderators In Parental Reflective Functioning Intervention. Attachment & Human Development, 25, Pp. 640–668.
Sofie Rousseau, Polachek, Inbal Shlomi, and Frenkel, Tahl I. 2022. A Machine Learning Approach To Identifying Pregnant Women's Risk For Persistent Post-Traumatic Stress Following Childbirth. Journal Of Affective Disorders, 296, Pp. 136–149.
Yael Schlesinger, Hamiel, Daniel , Rousseau, Sofie , Perlman, Sharon , Gilboa, Yinon , Achiron, Reuven , and Frenkel, Tahl I. 2022. Preventing Risk For Posttraumatic Stress Following Childbirth: Visual Biofeedback During Childbirth Increases Maternal Connectedness To Her Newborn Thereby Preventing Risk For Posttraumatic Stress Following Childbirth.. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, And Policy, 14, Pp. 1057.
Desoete Annemie, Annelies, Ceulemans , Rousseau, Sofie , and Roelants, Mathieu . 2021. The Relative Importance Of “Parental Talk” As A Predictor Of The Diversity In Mathematics Learning In Young Children. Diversity Dimensions In Mathematics And Language Learning: Perspectives On Culture, Education And Multilingualism, 24, Pp. 132.
Annemie Desoete, Ceulemans, Annelies , Rousseau, Sofie , and Roelants, Mathieu . 2021. The Relative Importance Of'parental Talk'as A Predictor Of The Diversity In Mathematics Learning In Young Children. In Diversity Dimensions In Mathematics And Language Learning, Pp. 132–148. De Gruyter.
Sofie Rousseau, Kritzman, Lior , Frenkel, Tahl I, Levit-Binnun, Nava , and Golland, Yulia . 2020. The Association Between Mothers’ And Daughters’ Positive Affect Is Moderated By Child Cardiac Vagal Regulation. Developmental Psychobiology, 62, Pp. 804–815.
Tahl I Frenkel, Donzella, Bonny , Frenn, Kristin A, Rousseau, Sofie , Fox, Nathan A, and Gunnar, Megan R. 2020. Moderating The Risk For Attention Deficits In Children With Pre-Adoptive Adversity: The Protective Role Of Shorter Duration Of Out Of Home Placement And Children’s Enhanced Error Monitoring. Journal Of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, Pp. 1115–1128.
Sofie Rousseau, Feldman, Tamar , Harroy, Lisa , Avisar, Nitzan , Wolf, Melissa , Bador, Keren , and Frenkel, Tahl . 2019. High Emotionality To Infant Cry: Associations With Adult Attachment, Gender, And Age. Early Child Development And Care.
Sofie Rousseau, Scharf, Miri , and Smith, Yael . 2018. Achievement-Oriented And Dependency-Oriented Parental Psychological Control: An Examination Of Specificity To Middle Childhood Achievement And Dependency-Related Problems. European Journal Of Developmental Psychology, 15, Pp. 378–394.
Yinon Gilboa, Frenkel, Tahl I, Schlesinger, Yael , Rousseau, Sofie , Hamiel, Daniel , Achiron, Reuven , and Perlman, Sharon . 2018. Visual Biofeedback Using Transperineal Ultrasound In Second Stage Of Labor. Ultrasound In Obstetrics & Gynecology, 52, Pp. 91–96.
Sofie Rousseau and Scharf, Miri . 2018. Why People Helicopter Parent? An Actor–Partner Interdependence Study Of Maternal And Paternal Prevention/Promotion Focus And Interpersonal/Self-Regret. Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships, 35, Pp. 919–935.
Miri Scharf, Rousseau, Sofie , and Bsoul, Sujood . 2017. Overparenting And Young Adults’ Interpersonal Sensitivity: Cultural And Parental Gender-Related Diversity. Journal Of Child And Family Studies, 26, Pp. 1356–1364.
Anneliesje Ceulemans, Baten, Elke , Loeys, Tom , Hoppenbrouwers, Karel , Titeca, Daisy , Rousseau, Sofie , and Desoete, Annemie . 2017. The Relative Importance Of Parental Numerical Opportunities, Prerequisite Knowledge And Parent Involvement As Predictors For Early Math Achievement In Young Children. Interdisciplinary Education And Psychology, 1.
Miri Scharf, Kerns, Kathryn A, Rousseau, Sofie , and Kivenson-Baron, Inbal . 2016. Mother-Child Attachment And Social Anxiety: Associations With Friendship Skills And Peer Competence Of Arab Children. School Psychology International, 37, Pp. 271–288.